Sunday, 13 June 2010

Prayer Breakfast

We have recently introduced Prayer Breakfasts at church.
This is when a number of the congregation gets together to have breakfast and pray about a church issue.
Recently an email for the next one was sent round and a notice was read out about it during the service.
I responded to the email to ask what the prayer breakfast was praying about, and it seems I'm the only person to ask that question.
Would these same people sign a petition and not know what the petition was for?
So when the person leads the prayer breakfast in a fortnight, I might slip a vodka in her orange juice and lead it myself.
Now what could I lead the prayer about? Digging up the graveyard and paving it? Knocking down the old church? Having topless collection ladies? or maybe it is already about one of those things, bet the people that have signed up and have not asked are dying to know!

Church Notices

For those of you not in the know, church notices are usually read out at the end of a service by the vicar, although recently I have seen them read at the start of the service, which I think is better. However, the person doing the reading generally apologises for the number of notices. I think this is like Camelot, the lottery company, apologising for the amount of money that you have won!

Notices are the life blood of the church, they show that the church is doing more than the usual Sunday service, that it is reaching out to the community, or to groups within the church, the youth, men, mom and toddlers etc;

So I say let's have more notices, let's celebrate what we are doing and report back on the successes and failures that happen.