It seems, as Christians, we think that we have to say yes to always helping out, and this leads to exhausted people that dislike what they are doing and don't put effort into it as they are too tired.
A church can't be built on exhausted people.
I remember a time when I didn't go to church, and either listened to the Archers or recovered from the night before. Now I am at church almost every Sunday and currently two night most weeks, added to this is preparation.
So I'm a bit exhausted at the moment, as I do have a job, and a college course, and a life. So there's a lot of saying no going on in my little group and I do fear that this could spread to saying no to God.
How many other people have stopped going to church because they really want that extra hour in bed or to just wash their socks on a Sunday.
So I'm going to say no to lots of people in the run up to Christmas a time when Christians should be calming down and waiting for the birth of Christ. Advent is a time of waiting not rushing, a time to pause.
So I am sorry if I say no to you, but I have to at the moment or you'll be visiting me in hospital. I'm going to buy bread for a bacon sandwich now and I'm going to walk to the shop in the rain, bcause theres NO bread!