Sunday, 29 November 2009

Advent - Something big is coming this way!


Christmas is just around the corner and unless you've written all your cards, purchased the entire food section of Waitrose and spent £500 or above on everyone you know then you have failed. It's all over, your Christmas will be rubbish.

Deep breath. Today is Advent Sunday and a time when Christian should be slowing down, that's slowing down and preparing for the coming of Christ. Imagine that slowing down!!!!

Christmas Cards

Where I used to live, for eight years, I received a Christmas card each year to the people who lived in the house before the people I purchased the house from!
So if you haven't spoken or visited some people on your Christmas card list during 2009, should you really be sending them a card. If you wouldn't ring them for a chat, why send a card?Cull the list and reduce the burden! You might get fewer cards next year, but at least the ones you get will be from your friends, and fewer cards means less cardboard... so you could be saving the planet at the same time

more Christmas thoughts soon.

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