Monday, 19 April 2010


I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Life, on occasions, can seem like a huge list of tasks to get through and we seem to cram it full of stuff.

This weekend I had man flu and therefore didn't go out on Saturday at all, and it was lovely, and on Sunday I got as far as church and that was me for the day.

So what I'm saying is "Hey, everybody, it is ok to stop, and certainly ok to ask for help!"

Whether you play social city, cafe whatever or farmville, we are all busy asking for help and also waiting for things to come, whether that's someone else to send you bricks for a virtual stable or getting more friends so you can expand your city into a 23 x 23 grid, but we seem to find this harder to do in real life.

I am lucky enough to have some fantastic friends, but in my mad rushing around, I often forget them and do the Irene Cara Out Here on my Own Thing - they did it on Follow the Yellow Brick Dorothy on Saturday! You tube it if you have no clue of 80s culture!

So stop in the name of you! Have a duvet day. Throw a sickie, and just be you, you'll be amazed of how nice you are. And if you are overwhelmed and saw to your friends Hey 'm drowning here, you'll be amazed at how many of them offer to help.

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